Income Tax

Income tax is exactly as it sounds, a tax on your income’. However, not all income is taxable and even then you are only taxed when you earn above certain levels.

What is a taxable income?

“Income tax applies to: earnings from employment, earnings from self-employment, receipts from most pension schemes (including state, company and personal), interest generated on most savings accounts, income from shares, rental income and income paid to you from a trust.

Essentially you can and will be taxed on almost everything you earn that is above your personal allowance.”

How can we help?

“At AMC our team of tax accountants can help you to reduce the amount of income tax that is payable to the Government and keep your earnings where they belong – with you”

“We are much more than your average accountancy firm. Through our commitment to providing you with the latest tax advice, support and industry knowledge, our tax consultants can ensure that you pay ONLY what you are liable for.”

“Contact our team today and let us help you to make understanding tax even simpler”