VAT (Value Added Tax) is a tax that is charged on most business transactions in the UK.

Capital Gains Tax

Capital Gains Tax is essentially when you are taxed for the profits (gains) you make when you sell, give away or ‘dispose’ of something you own that has increased in value.

Company Car Tax

If an employee who earns more than £8,500 a year is given a company car, there is a tax charge on the benefit given to the employee.

Corporation Tax

Don't let your tax affairs get out of control! With corporation tax, you need to think ahead.


If you have received a tax investigation letter from HMRC what should you do?In the first instance, you should always read the letter carefully and if you are unsure what it means, or if it is a complicated request for information it is a good idea to get expert, specialist advice straight away.

Inheritance Tax

Income tax is exactly as it sounds, a ‘tax on your income’.Losing a family member is never easy, and the last thing you will want to think about is whether or not you are liable for paying inheritance tax.

Income Tax

Income tax is exactly as it sounds, a ‘tax on your income’.